Sunday, January 3, 2010


My book club is made up of a group of amazing ladies. The common connection, in the beginning , was me but I think after all we've shared and talked about this year I'd venture to say we'd call each other friends. I always find it interesting how 7 other people can read the same book and get something completely different out of it. That is the beauty of book go in with one opinion and leave with 7 new ones!

Here is a recap of what we've read in the past year.

The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd
Annie Freeman's Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish
The Color of Light by Karen White
The Wednesday Letters by Jason Write
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Anne Barrows
Loving Frank by Nancy Horan
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini
Emma by Jane Austin
After Anne by Roxanne Henke

We did a little poll recently and top favorites of the year were Loving Frank, The Wednesday Letters and the Guernsey book. It seemed that the main reason these books were picked was because there were characters in each that we couldn't let go of.

Have you ever had that happen to you? Have you been done with a book and yet found yourself wanting to know what happened next? Where would so and so be now? There are books that have haunted me. Followed me around for years! Loving Frank was one of them. The Poisonwood Bible, White Oleander, I Know This Much is True and East of Eden are all in the running as well.

What are your books that you didn't want to end or that you keep thinking about?


debf012 said...

Great idea - I'm following you, don't know what I"m doing, but will try...:) How is the Scarpetta factor? I got totally sucked into a book called "The Forgotten Garden" so haven't started the Girl who played with fire yet. Think I've found our next months book...:)

Melanie said...

Funny, I just finished a blog about The Girl. the Scarpetta Factor isn't too bad. I still miss her old stuff and hate what she did to Marino.

I will check out the Forgotten Garden. Sounds like you are liking it??

Sherry said...

I now have an entire list of books I want to read so thank you! The Forgotten Garden is top of the list. I am really loving the Guernsey book right now. One book I cannot forget is "Sea Glass" by Anita Shreve. I read it 3 summers ago and still think of it. I love bonding with other readers over books and taking the story and finding a common thread that can lead to some incredible discussion. One of the best books I can recommend is Lorna Landvik's "Angry Housewives Eating Bonbons" - not as light as it sounds. It follows a group of female friends from the 1960's to present - I highly recommend it! :)