Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote or keep it to yourself....

I know I don't want to hear one more thing about the election. I can't really blame you, this has been a never ending campaign season. That said, we have so much at stake this election! I had a conversation over the weekend when someone actually said to me that, other than the tax issue, it wouldn't effect me no matter who won the election. I was a little dumb founded at that comment. I feel that this election, like no other, effects us all. It is by far the most important election I have ever voted in as well as being historic.

I am proud of the fact that I live in a place where I have a civic duty to my country in voting. I take pride in learning about the candidates and their issues. I study the newspapers, watch the debates, listen to the pundits and try to make an educated choice. Sometimes that choice is the lesser of two perceived evils..... Sometimes I believe I'm better educated on the issues than the candidates...however

All I'm saying is....don't be one of those people who thinks that your vote doesn't count & don't be one of those people who think the results won't effect you. Let your voice be heard, whatever your choice is, whatever your political view, VOTE! If you don't, please keep your opionions to lost the right to voice them.