Monday, January 18, 2010

The problem is.....

Okay, I admit it. I have a problem. My friend Barb recently told me that there might need to be an intervention. You see, I buy a lot of books.....

I am always on the look out for a new author to follow or picking up a book that will "be perfect for book club". I buy books on line, I buy books in stores, I get books from friends that don't want them any more, boxes of books from auction sales - heck, I've even picked them up at garage sales. (probably the only thing I've ever bought at a garage sale) Everywhere I look there is a book that is still needing to be read.

I'm not selfish with my books. I'm happy to loan them out to people as long as I know they will be returned in the shape they left me in. I can't stand to loan to people who break the spine of my books or dog ear them or GOD FORBID highlight passages. Please be respectful or buy your own.

I am sitting here now, typing away, trying to ignore the ever growing pile by my computer that need to be read. I mean, where do I start? They all look good or I wouldn't have purchased them in the first place! Do I go with the current thriller? Maybe a good, solid classic is in order? Or there is the one I picked up that won the Pulitzer or that series my sister has been tearing through.......oh, the endless possibilities!

Does any one have a suggestion? Here is what I'm considering:

Her Perfect Symmetry
Olive Kitteridge
Ford County
Anna Karenina
Alex Cross's Trial
Five Quarters of the Orange
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet
Of Bee's and Mist

You see the problem is not that I buy too many books, it's that I have to work to support my habit and run out of time to read them!! What were you thinking my problem was? (Actually, don't answer that)


Anonymous said...

Well, the only one I've read is Alex Cross's trial - that is a quick read. I liked it, really there didn't need to be a tie into Alex Cross - the book would have stood on it's own, but that would be my place to start...:)

Sherry said...

Ok, to be honest, I have not read any of those books, but since I have a 13 year old girl I'm going to say Twilight . . .she has read and re-read that book several times and I'm tempted to pick it up myself. Good luck making a selection!