Tuesday, May 25, 2010

...By the way

I did manage to read one book and start another in between my last week post and this one.  If you are a crime/mystery story fan I recommend the Prey series by John Sandford.  Lucas Davenport never fails to entertain me.  It's an escape to the familiar grounds of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Storm Front was a quick read that kept you turning the pages.  Maybe not his most intense book but action packed just the same.  All the old favorite characters were there including Virgil Flowers from his new branch off series. (although he did get his start in the Prey books Virgil is making a name for himself as the lead character in his own series....loves those too)

Now I'm on to House Rules, which I'm reading for book club.  I need to wrap it up though so I can sink my teeth into The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest.....immediately upon arrival. (it better not disappoint now after all this waiting!)

Today's the Day!!

Today is the day I've been waiting for for months. The release date for the final installment of the Millennium Series.  The book has been pre-ordered so now I have to wait for it to ship.....a fatal error on my part as I would have gladly taken the day off to sit home and read it!  I can't remember the last time I was so excited about a book release! What a great week it is going to be as I've also already gotten my tickets for the Sex in the City 2 movie for opening night.....ah.....it's gonna be a great summer!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's a new day.....

So -  I have been totally out of the habit of posting. That is not to say I haven't been reading!
I've read several books including The Help, The Double Bind, Worst Case & have re-read In the Gloaming & started rereading The Great Gatsby.

 I have continued to purchase (as well as download FREE books with my Nook) at a completely ridiculous pace, wondering when I'll ever have time to actually consume them all.  In fact, after work, I will be driving to Barnes and Noble to purchase the latest John Sandford book and am waiting with great anticipation for The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest which comes out next Tuesday. Both of which I will need to sit down and read immediately, without regard for whatever else I have already started.  -Sigh-

With spring in the air I guess I got sidetracked from my writing but I will make an effort to make updates & get back into my summer reading groove!

In the mean time, I would love to hear what you've been reading! Anything that's a must read?