Saturday, September 25, 2010

You've Been Banned!

National Banned Book week starts today.  As a book lover seeing these two words so close together kind of frightens me!  I'm not sure how this ever became an option.... I mean, what happened to my inalienble rights?  What happened to my right to choose?  What I find more laughable is this:  When you tell someone not to do something the natural reaction is to do it; therefore, you crazy book banning people - you've just made the book interesting for a whole pile of people who would have never read it if you didn't tell them not to.  HA!  Take that!

I am proud to say that I have read 8 of the top 10 "Most Banned Books".  I think I'll read the other 2 now just because I can!!  Take a look at the link and see how you did!
I read an article that suggested forming a book club around books that have been banned. After looking at the list I think it's a great idea! There would be a wide variety and no shortage of material.

Here is another list of books the have been banned or challenged. Some that might surprise you.
With several books on this list being children's books I find  myself wondering - Do you think it would be better if your child just didn't read at all?  You could go that route too - if you think that's best.  It's YOUR job to instill morals and values in your child - not the book's.  If you teach them right from wrong they will be able to discern that while reading. I'm just saying......

Until next time - Happy Reading!! If you are looking for something to read, may I suggest starting with the #1 most banned book! It's an all time favorite of mine.

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