Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Couple of Things.....

First of all, I should wait until my book club meets but I need to talk about this book now!  We just read The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake.  Now, I loved the premise of the book.  I loved the idea of being able to taste someones feelings as you were eating.  Not that I really want to posses that quality but I could buy that as someones "gift".  That said, the book was just plain strange!  I found myself reading and mid paragraph I was like.....What???  When did we switch from this to that?  Not only that but......(SPOILER ALERT) what's with the brother?? I mean come on!  You want me to believe he's a chair?? 

If you've read the book, I'd love to hear your comments.  Maybe I completely missed something.  My group gets together next Tuesday and I can hardly wait.  This was not at all what I expected this book to be.  I think the original idea was great but somewhere...it went sadly wrong.

Second, have you ever read a book, liked it, but could never really understand what all the excitement was about?  I have that problem right now.  The Help is one of those books for me.  I bought it (over a year ago), read it, liked it but cannot, for the life of me, understand why it's been on the best sellers list for 66 weeks in a row.  It was a good book - interesting characters, nicely written, especially for a first novel but for me, it lacked any lasting impression.  I don't find myself going back and thinking about the characters and wondering what they are doing now  - I don't have any interest in reading it again - i just don't really get it.
So, could someone explain the ongoing fascination?  Again, I LIKED the book, it was a good read but I just don't see it as a classic, or worth 66 weeks on the best sellers list with no sign of an end.

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