Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It Brings me Joy

Even though I own a e-reading device (the Nook to be exact) few things bring me greater joy and peace than going into a book store.  I will never stop buying "real" books.  I have the e-reader for convenience and space issues more than anything.  I do love it but that doesn't change the feeling I have when I walk in a book store.  ESPECIALLY an independent store.  You know, they kind you find on vacation and WISH was in your home town.

I don't remember the name of it, but I was in Bozeman a few years back and they had this amazing book store on the main street.  I just fell in love with the place.  It was all wood and warmth, with cozy little areas for piling up a stack of books to look at. 

Here, in Fargo, I do have a special affinity for Zambroz Variety Store.  It has a good selection, not only of books but of gift items, cards, home decor - a little bit of everything.  My only wish is for a cozy spot to sit for a bit.

This morning on a tweet that I received I found the article posted below.  I lived in the Twin Cities for about 10 years. I loved it there.  I am ashamed to say I have only been in one of the stores on the list.  It is my goal to hit the other nine in the very near future.  I see a weekend trip on the horizon.

Do you have a favorite store in your area?

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