Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's Girl Day!

I'm just going to warn you right off that this blog has nothing at all to do with books.

Today is "GIRL DAY"!! It's a day I look forward to having as soon as the last one ends. It's a day where 3 of my oldest and closest friends, all of them from grade school, get together and spend the day. We don't really care where we go or what we do as long as we have a complete, uninterrupted day together. Although I will say we've done some pretty fun stuff! We've gone to plays and art exhibits, shopped, toured historic homes and found fabulous places to eat. It's a day where we each can leave our troubles behind if we want or bring them with to sort through with the people who know us best. The thing I think I look forward to the most is the laughter. I know when I come home there will have been a days worth of memories made and laugh lines creasing my face.

Although none of us live that far apart it always seems to be a challenge to get together. We have lofty goals and ideas but life gets in the way and we're lucky to make it happen twice a year. I am so lucky to have great friends, all of them, and I hope they know how much they bring into my life.

Today we are just hanging out in Fargo, meeting for coffee, a movie and an early dinner. I can almost hear the conversation now.....

You know, since we are going to be downtown that could mean a trip to one of my favorite stores, Zambroz, and guess why I love it? They carry an amazing selection of BOOKS!!! (guess I was able to work books into it after all)

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